International Leadership Circle
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros nisl, viverra sed tempus laoreet, congue sed sapien. Nunc a massa est. Proin commodo volutpat metus, ac tristique nulla rutrum et. Praesent faucibus sapien tortor, eget tincidunt lorem maximus ut. Vestibulum gravida pellentesque risus, eu facilisis ligula pharetra eu. Curabitur ac elit eget est aliquet condimentum. Nullam elit ante, interdum a consequat sit amet, finibus ut augue. Nulla ultricies tempus turpis, eget vehicula nunc.
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The role of the Ombudswoman is to companion you through the process of resolution for complaints or grievances that are beyond the scope of local problem-solving.
Use the Grievance process here:
Grievance Policy / Grievance Form
Whistleblower Policy / Whistleblower Form
For a fuller description of the role of the Ombudswoman, click here
You can contact the Ombudswoman directly via email:
Inspired to get in touch, ask a question or share feedback, click here.